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3851012903BPA, Dedicate Electronics (HK) Limited - Inventory

Dedicate Electronics (HK) Limited Founded in March 2000, the company is headquartered in ShenZhen Special Economic Zone, in Guangdong Province has become a large-scale, complete model, the long-term large-scale IC distributor shelf! Company has been the quality of survival, reputation and development, and to reward our customers exceptional value, so to enable us to peer emerged as a reliable supp...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
38510/12903BPA NULL TI 5733
38510/12907BPA NULL TI 5733
38510/12908BPA NULL TI 5733
38510/30009BCA NULL TI 5733
38510/31501BCA NULL TI 5734
38510/31512BEA NULL TI 5734
38510/34604BRA NULL TI 5734
38510/50401BRA NULL TI 5734
38510/65302BCA NULL TI 5735
38510B/SNC52741T NULL TI 5735
38510B/SNC52748L NULL TI 5735
38510BSNJ54S132W NULL TI 5735
385-12 NULL TI 5736
385-2.5 NULL TI 5736
385-2.5385-1.2385-12385-25285-1.2285-2.5 NULL TI 5736
385-2.5/385-25 NULL TI 5737
385-25 NULL TI 5737
3854 NULL TI 5737

Inventory Index: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  


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